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laser international No. 4, 2018
Cover / Editorial / Content / Implant uncovering using the Er:YAG laser / Modern technologies in the treatment of periodontal disease Synergistic benefits / Removal of a fibroma using an Er:YAG laser / Successful communication in your daily practice Part VIII: How to take away the patient’s fears / Communication skills in the dental practice / International dental laser community gathered for World Congress / The World Congress as a turning point for laser dentistry / Manufacturer news / News international / Editorial / 16. Weltkongress in der Laserzahnheilkunde - 30 Jahre Laserinnovationen / News Germany / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Implant uncovering using the Er:YAG laser
06 - 08 -
Modern technologies in the treatment of periodontal disease Synergistic benefits
10 - 15 -
Removal of a fibroma using an Er:YAG laser
16 - 18 -
Successful communication in your daily practice Part VIII: How to take away the patient’s fears
20 - 21 -
Communication skills in the dental practice
22 - 25 -
International dental laser community gathered for World Congress
26 - 27 -
The World Congress as a turning point for laser dentistry
28 - 29 -
Manufacturer news
30 - 31 -
News international
32 - 33 -
35 - 35 -
16. Weltkongress in der Laserzahnheilkunde - 30 Jahre Laserinnovationen
36 - 39 -
News Germany
40 - 41 -
42 - 42