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implants international No. 4, 2012
Cover / Editorial / Content / Implant design and the maintenance of peri-implant tissue / Cost effectiveness in implant dentistry / Perio meets implant dentistry - A time-tested relationship / Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of the severely atrophic maxilla / CAD/CAMpatientspecific abutments and a new implant design / The early abutment technique / Manufacturer News / 42nd international annual congress: DGZI stays on target / Practical Training at Osteology in Monaco / Events / News / Imprint / Subscription /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Implant design and the maintenance of peri-implant tissue
06 - 10 -
Cost effectiveness in implant dentistry
12 - 17 -
Perio meets implant dentistry - A time-tested relationship
18 - 20 -
Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of the severely atrophic maxilla
22 - 27 -
CAD/CAMpatientspecific abutments and a new implant design
28 - 32 -
The early abutment technique
34 - 37 -
Manufacturer News
38 - 39 -
42nd international annual congress: DGZI stays on target
40 - 43 -
Practical Training at Osteology in Monaco
44 - 44 -
46 - 47 -
48 - 49 -
50 - 50 -
51 - 51