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implants international No. 1, 2011
Editorial / Content / Biomechanical finite element analysis of small diameter and short dental implant / How reliable is immediate implant insertion after tooth extraction? / Untying the Gordian Knot: An evidence-based endo-implant algorithm (Part I) / Implant therapy of edentulous sites / AIAI Annual Meeting 2010 in Tokyo / International Osteology Symposium in Cannes / Manufacturer News / About the publisher /
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Biomechanical finite element analysis of small diameter and short dental implant
06 - 13 -
How reliable is immediate implant insertion after tooth extraction?
14 - 17 -
Untying the Gordian Knot: An evidence-based endo-implant algorithm (Part I)
18 - 31 -
Implant therapy of edentulous sites
32 - 38 -
AIAI Annual Meeting 2010 in Tokyo
40 - 41 -
International Osteology Symposium in Cannes
42 - 43 -
Manufacturer News
44 - 49 -
About the publisher
50 - 50