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implants international
Cover / Editorial / Content / Safe and effective alternatives to sinus elevation in the atrophic posterior maxilla / Dental implants—Treatment options for compromised clinical situations / The treatment of toothless jaws / The concept of “platform switching” in implant dentistry / Cross-linked or natural collagen membrane? / Buccal dehiscence and sinus lift cases / “Patients’ satisfaction towards functional reconstruction is very high” / News / Meetings / Social news / Manufacturer news / About the publisher /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Safe and effective alternatives to sinus elevation in the atrophic posterior maxilla
06 - 10 -
Dental implants—Treatment options for compromised clinical situations
12 - 14 -
The treatment of toothless jaws
16 - 19 -
The concept of “platform switching” in implant dentistry
20 - 25 -
Cross-linked or natural collagen membrane?
26 - 27 -
Buccal dehiscence and sinus lift cases
28 - 31 -
“Patients’ satisfaction towards functional reconstruction is very high”
32 - 33 -
34 - 34 -
36 - 40 -
Social news
42 - 42 -
Manufacturer news
44 - 48 -
About the publisher
49 - 50