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Clinical Masters No. 1, 2020
Cover / Editorial / Contents / TRIBUNE CME - Global knowledge, delivered by world-class faculty in prime locations / Bioesthetic dentistry — a modern teaching array that embraces all aspects of esthetics and dental biomechanics, or how to restore smiles and function with conservative, often no-preparation, techniques / The art of a personalized smile design / The next level — Visual identity of the smile: Analog versus digital / Toxic dentistry? / Interview with Dr. Stavros Pelekanos / Clinical MastersTM - Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry - Program 2020 / Clinical MastersTM - Some favorites of our faculty / Anatomical surgery course with cadaver lab - Brescia, Italy / The changes social media has brought to businesses and how we interact with social media / INTERNATIONAL COURSES AT THE LAKE COMO INSTITUTE / gIDE - Master Clinician Program in Implant Dentistry / FRADEANI EDUCATION AT THE ACE INSTITUTE - Pesaro, Italy / Do conservative and prosthetic restorations really represent a solution for carious disease? The answer to this question lies in the DMF index and in salivary analysis / Endo Inn — advanced training in endodontics - Oslo, Norway / Interview with Dr. Gianluca Plotino / Management of intracanal separated instruments: A clinical case report / Courses to share our passion for teaching and endodontics - Athens, Greece | Brașov, Romania Lisbon, Portugal | Porto, Portugal / CLINICAL MASTERS™ TESTIMONIALS 2020 / Interview with Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli / The use of connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple recession defects / Ten days of mastering soft-tissue surgery - Athens, Greece / Interview with Dr. Daniel Edelhoff and Dr. Otto Zuhr / Interview with Dr. Peter Wöhrle / REGISTRATION FORM Clinical Masters™ Program / Imprint /