Invitation to this year’s ROOTS SUMMIT
We are pleased to announce ROOTS SUMMIT 2022, which will be held from May 26 to 29, at the Cubex Centrum Praha in the Czech capital of Prague.
Previous ROOTS SUMMITS have been known for the strength of their scientific programs and their relevancy to clinical practice. The next summit will be no exception. Dr. David E. Jaramillo has organized an unparalleled series of lectures and workshops. Education is best paired with impeccable science, and that is what we will have at ROOTS SUMMIT 2022 in Prague.
Working together with Dental Tribune International and many great sponsors, we will continue the tradition of scientifically and clinically relevant endodontic meetings that have been enjoyed for the past 15 years. ROOTS SUMMITS have been held all over the world, including in Canada, the U.S., Mexico (in conjunction with the Asociación Mexicana de Endodoncia), Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, India, United Arab Emirates and Berlin.
We would like to extend a sincere invitation to ROOTS SUMMIT 2022 to all who have an interest in endodontics, wherever you are, whether you are an endodontist, a general dentist, or a manufacturer or supplier of endodontic products.

Stephen Jones, co-chairman, Dr. Freddy Belliard, co-chairman and Dr. David Jaramillo, scientific chairman (from left)
History of the ROOTS SUMMIT
The ROOTS SUMMIT is the premier global discussion forum for the dental specialty of endodontics. The meeting originally started as a mailing list of a large group of endodontic enthusiasts in the 1990s. Since the establishment of a dedicated Facebook group three years ago, the ROOTS SUMMIT has increased its membership from just under 1,000 participants to its current level of more than 20,000, including many global endodontic opinion leaders. Well over 100 countries are represented.
Our mission is to be an open and inclusive global learning forum accessible to anyone involved in the practice of endodontic therapy. Discussions regarding endodontic treatment, the various issues that affect the patient, prognosis, current literature, new equipment, as well as new procedures and protocols, among other topics, are moderated by an all-volunteer group of endodontists to ensure a professional and respectful manner is maintained.