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Curaden articles

Enjuague bucal contra SARS-CoV-2: reduce el riesgo de infección

En un pionero estudio, los investigadores de Claude Bernard Lyon 1, de la Universidad de Lyon en Francia, han demostrado que el enjuague bucal Perio ...

Moins de CHX - la nouvelle génération de bains de bouche change la thérapie

KRIENS, Suisse : Le digluconate de chlorhexidine (CHX) est considéré comme l’étalon-or parmi les antiseptiques oraux, mais son ...

Less CHX—new generation of mouthwashes is changing therapy

KRIENS, Switzerland: Chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) is considered the gold standard among oral antiseptics, but its use comes with a number of side ...

Rinsing against SARS-CoV-2—one mouthwash reduces infection risk

LYON, France: In a study that is the first of its kind, researchers from Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University in Lyon in France have shown that Curaprox’s ...

Interview: "Many patients look to us for guidance"

A practicing dentist in Toronto, Canada, Dr. Uche Odiatu is also a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, boot camp instructor and the author of ...

Better habits for better health—how changing ourselves could change prevention

KRIENS, Switzerland: Stable routines lie at the heart of habits. Lately, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the challenge of fostering habits in ...

A practice exclusively for children: “We turn every appointment into a party”

BERGEN OP ZOOM, Netherlands: Blij Gebit (Dutch for “happy teeth”) is a dental hygiene practice aimed specifically at children. It was started in the ...

Interview: Correcting your own oral hygiene habits is the best way to help patients

Too often, dental students have to rely on textbook examples or only receive limited practical training when it comes to improving their oral hygiene ...

“The BOB-App generates more recalls because it changes the nature of the appointment”

Although most oral diseases originate interdentally, the majority of patients stick to cleaning the tooth surfaces only. Jagoda Weihönig, a dental ...

“Behavioural change is the main pillar of the future dental practice”

Ensuring patients maintain good treatment results and practise good oral hygiene at home is easier said than done. Changing such habits for the better is a ...

"Diabetes shouldn’t be an issue for the child, but it requires discipline from the parents"

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands: November is diabetes awareness month at Curaden Academy. Diabetes mellitus is the third most common chronic disease in children and ...

Oral health and diabetes—a free webinar series

The dentist plays a major role, with other members of the health team, in helping a patient with diabetes maintain glycemic control by achieving optimal ...

Choisir le bon bain de bouche en période de pandémie

KRIENS, Suisse : le SARS-CoV-2 a été détecté dans la salive de 91,7 % des personnes infectées par le virus. Cela signifie que les professionnels de la ...

“Mere theory does not benefit patients”—Putting prevention into practice with iTOP

ITOP, short for individually trained oral prophylaxis, is a training programme for achieving and maintaining perfect oral health. Aimed at dental students ...

Interview: “Thanks to this app, patients take ownership of their bodies”

Getting patients to brush interdentally can be an arduous task, but the BOB-App does exactly that. BOB stands for “bleeding on brushing”, which is the ...
