ACTEON articles
News articles, interviews and more information about ACTEON products and the company itself can be found here.
ACTEON Group excited for ADF 2021
PARIS, France: The ACTEON team is very happy to be able to meet its partners and customers once again at the 2021 French Dental Association Conference and ...
Target endodontic microsurgery
Endodontic microsurgery (EMS) has become a more effective treatment compared with more traditional surgical approaches. Regardless of the technique ...
ACTEON Group is moving forward
COLOGNE, Germany: The ACTEON team is very excited to be participating in the International Dental Show (IDS) 2021, where it will be exhibiting its new ...
Michael Rynerson appointed CEO of ACTEON
BORDEAUX, France: Michael Rynerson is the new CEO of the dental and medical technology and device manufacturer ACTEON, which is headquartered in France. The...
Leichtgewichtig und minimalinvasiv
Acteon präsentiert mit dem Pietzotome Cube Star die Weiterentwicklung seines Knochen-Ultraschallchirurgiegeräts auf der IDS. Mit dem neuen Pietzotome ...
It’s time for atraumatic extractions
COLOGNE, Germany: Piezotome Cube STAR is a new piezo-surgery device manufactured by ACTEON. Being introduced at IDS 2019, Piezotome Cube STAR provides full ...